Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

Harta Karun Titanic dilelang

FILE - In a Friday, Aug 15, 2008 file photo, currency, part of the artifacts collection of the Titanic, is shown at a warehouse in Atlanta. The owner of the largest trove of artifacts salvaged from the Titanic is putting the vast collection up for auction as a single lot in 2012, the 100th anniversary of the world's most famous shipwreck. The auction is scheduled for April 1 by Guernsey's, a New York City auction house, according to filings by ...

FILE - John Zaller, creative director of Premier Exhibitions, discusses objects from the Titanic's Verandah Cafe on display in the "Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition" at the Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York, in this June 24, 2009 file photo. The owner of the largest trove of artifacts salvaged from the Titanic is putting the vast collection up for auction as a single lot in 2012, the 100th anniversary of the world's most famous shipwreck. The auction is scheduled for April 1 by Guernsey's, a New York City auction house, according to filings by Premier Exhibitions Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A spokeswoman for the auction house and Premier Exhibitions declined Wednesday Dec. 28, 2011 to discuss the auction with The Associated Press until a formal announcement in January. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

FILE - Third-class tea cup china used by passengers and the crew, is shown as part of the artifacts collection at a warehouse in Atlanta, in this Aug 15, 2008 file photo. The owner of the largest trove of artifacts salvaged from the Titanic is putting the vast collection up for auction as a single lot in 2012, the 100th anniversary of the world's most famous shipwreck. The auction is scheduled for April 1 by Guernsey's, a New York City auction house, according to filings by Premier Exhibitions Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A spokeswoman for the auction house and Premier Exhibitions declined Wednesday Dec. 28, 2011 to discuss the auction with The Associated Press until a formal announcement in January. (AP Photo/Stanley Leary, File)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year all! =)

welcome 2012 , goodbye 2011 , yeah it's live had a change and need a change , hope all things will be better on 2012 .

today is the first day for 2012 , so welcome 1 january 2012 , goodbye december

on 00.00 I wake up and look at the window , there's so many fireworks there , the sky full of light , subhanallah , beautifull , and I " ll make a wish for 2012

on my wish list just 1 sentences , I hope all things will be better on 2012

so , enjoy Your new year , once again greetings from Monster Chocolate , HAPPY NEW YEAR!!^^
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

28 dec 2011 an event day!!

why? because there's so many event in there , first my mom and dad's anniversary , same with my birthday , so second my birthday , and I don't know there's something special in that's day , and so many people feel that 28 december there's something different with another day , yeah ^^ . 

what's again? I don't know in that's day I'm just online on twitter and playing game on facebook and so on , in the night I have dinner with my mother and also my brother , i'm order  for a  tenderloin steak , my mother order for a hutsput meetklupstuk , I don't know how to spell that , just it , my brother order for a fish and chips , yummy yeah.

just it 28 ! :)
Senin, 26 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

Si dukun kanker 'Semangka'

Siang hari yang panas, bayangkanlah buah semangka. Buah dari suku ketimun ini, selain dikenal sangat menyegarkan juga memberikan efek yang positif bagi tubuh.
Semangka mengandung likopen yang tinggi. Likopen merupakan antioksidan yang ditemukan dalam buah-buahan berwarna merah (kecuali stroberi). Penelitian ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa likopen dapat mengurangi risiko kanker prostat dan penyakit jantung.
Orang yang makan diet yang tinggi kandungan likopen, kecil kemungkinannya untuk mengalami serangan jantung.  Buah berair dengan nama latin Citrullus lanatus ini juga kaya akan Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 adalah zat penting yang dapat merangsang hormon dalam otak untuk mengatasi kecemasan dan panik.
Tak hanya itu, semangka juga kaya akan vitamin C. Vitamin C tak hanya penting untuk menjaga daya tahuan tubuh, vitamin ini mutlak diperlukan untuk memperlambat penuaan dan kerusakan kondisi medis seperti katarak.

Sama seperti vitamin C, vitamin A yang terkadung dalam semangka juga membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu, vitamin A dapat membantu tubuh melawan infeksi dan mencegah kebutaan.

Namun tidak seperti pisang atau pepaya yang bisa tumbuh sepanjang musim, semangka memiliki musimnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, jangan menyia-nyiakan jika musim semangka sudah datang. Jika berbelanja di supermarket, untuk mengtahui semangka yang sudah matang, sebaiknya anda mencoba dengarkan bunyi ketika kulitnya diketuk.
Jika terdengar suara berongga, artinya buah semangka sudah siap disantap, tetapi jika Anda mendengar suara yang solid, artinya semangka masih mentah dan perlu beberapa hari lagi untuk matang.

Liburan setahun-__________-

yup,itu liburan setahun dari 2011 sampai 2012 . liburan sekolah .
liburan sekolah kali ini saya hanya dirumah , karena sakit ,iya bolak balik ke rumah sakit ,test darah beuh , tapi kalau sakit makanannya enak-enak hihi ^^

liburan ini karena sakit dikamar , nonton tv , itulah nasib , dan alhamdulillah aku agak sembuh , dan BESOK AKU ULANG TAHUN! *party* :))

tapi liburan ini tetep aja membosankan._.selalu begitu dan akan begitu._. dan dengan segalanya hal yang begitu maka aku begitu._.

*lanjut , #makeawish ya semoga liburan setelah sembuh bisa seru :D
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

Notebook sama Netbook

Istilah notebook dan netbook sedikit membingungkan saya. Selain bentuknya yang jelas lebih kecil dan praktis, apa yang membedakan notebook dan netbook pada umumnya? Apakah saya juga bisa menonton film dengan visual berdefinisi tinggi di netbook?
Kristian Tjahjono menjawab, "Sebenarnya baik notebook dan netbook termasuk dalam kategori komputer jinjing yang fungsinya dibawa ke mana-mana. Hanya saja istilah netbook mengacu pada laptop yang menggunakan platform Intel Atom. Salah satu kelebihan platform ini adalah penggunaan daya yang sangat rendah dan harga yang amat terjangkau. Tentunya ini berimbas pada kinerjanya yang pas-pasan. Netbook cukup tangguh untuk dipakai browsing Internet, mengetik, memutar lagu, memutar video non Hi-Def, dan bermain game ringan. Notebook sendiri mengacu pada laptop yang lazim ditemukan dalam berbagai ukuran. Dibandingkan dengan netbook, notebook memiliki performa yang jauh lebih kencang dan hadir dalam berbagai spesifikasi."

Bahasa Indonesia berpeluang menjadi Bahasa Internasional!!! (y)

Bahasa Indonesia memiliki peluang menjadi bahasa percakapan di dunia internasional. Makin banyak warga negara asing yang tertarik mempelajari bahasa Indonesia.
Peneliti Badan Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dendy Sugono, Rabu (14/12/2011) mengatakan, keragaman budaya Indonesia adalah faktor terpenting yang menyebabkan banyak warga negara asing ingin mempelajari bahasa Indonesia.
“Hanya dengan mempelajari bahasa Indonesia, warga negara asing bisa memahami keragaman budaya Indonesia yang sangat khas. Untuk itu, pengemasan budaya Indonesia harus bagus supaya makin banyak lagi warga negara asing yang ingin memahaminya sehingga mau mempelajari bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu,” kata Dendy.
Indikasi mulai diterimanya bahasa Indonesia dalam pergaulan internasional adalah tingginya minat warga asing mempelajari bahasa Indonesia di pusat pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di negara mereka.
“Untuk negara-negara besar, yang sudah ada pusat bahasa Indonesia adalah negara-negara di Eropa, Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Korea Selatan, Mesir, dan Rusia,” kata Dendy.
Selain di Arab Saudi, papan petunjuk yang menyertakan bahasa Indonesia bisa ditemui juga di Frankfurt, Jerman. “Kalau di Arab Saudi, wajar ada tulisan berbahasa Indonesia di papan petunjuk arah. Kalau di Jerman itu agak spesial karena Bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari enam bahasa asing yang harus dipelajari di sekolah,” kata Dendy.

#OurCopyPaste via KOMPAS
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

How to play scrabble

Two to four players play in any game of Scrabble. The object of Scrabble is to score more points than one's opponent. A player collects points by placing words on the game board. Each letter has a different point value, so the strategy becomes to play words with high scoring letter combinations. 

The Scrabble Board

A Scrabble game board is made of up cells in a square grid. The Scrabble board is 15 cells wide by 15 cells high. The Scrabble tiles fit within these cells one to a cell.

Scrabble Tiles

Scrabble is played with exactly 100 tiles. 98 of these tiles contain letters on them, while there are 2 blank tiles. These blank tiles add a wildcard aspect to Scrabble. The blanks substitute for any letter in the alphabet. Once played, a blank tile remains for the remainder of the game the letter for which it was substituted when first played.
Various letters have different point values, depending on the rarity of the letter and the difficulty in playing it. Blank tiles have no point value. 

Tile Values

Here are the point values for each letter in Scrabble.
0 Points - Blank tile.
1 Point - A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U.
2 Points - D and G.
3 Points - B, C, M and P.
4 Points - F, H, V, W and Y.
5 Points - K.
8 Points - J and X.
10 Points - Q and Z.

Extra Point Values

Some squares on the Scrabble board represent multipliers. If a tile is placed on this square, then the tile's value is multiplied by a factor or either 2x or 3x. Certain tiles multiply the point value of an entire word and not simply the tile on that space.
Double Letter Scores - Light blue cells are found isolated on the board. When a tile is placed on this space, that tile's point value is multiplied by two.
Triple Letter Score - This is a dark blue cell on the Scrabble. The tile placed on this square has its points multiplied by three.
Double Word Score - Light red cells are found running diagonally towards the four corners of the board. When a player plays a word on one of these squares, the point value of the entire word is multiplied by two.
Triple Word Score - This is a dark red square on the Scrabble board. These are found on the four sides of the board equidistant from the four corners of the board. When a word is played using this square, then the points for the word are multiplied by three.
One Single Use - Note that extra point squares are only usable once. If one player plays a word using this cells, then the next time that space is used to make a word, the point value is not multiplied.

Starting the Game 

Without looking into the tile bag, each of the Scrabble players takes one tile out of the tile bag. Whichever player has the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet goes first. A blank tile is considered better than an "A".  These tiles are placed into the bag once more.
Starting the game, each player begins their turn by drawing seven tiles apiece from the bag. The player can do one of three things on a turn. The player can place a word, exchange tiles or pass. Most of the time, the player will take the option of playing a word.
Exchanging tiles allows a player to replace anywhere between one and all of the tiles on the player's rack. If this option is taken, the player cannot do anything else that hand. Therefore, a tile exchange cannot be performed on a turn when the player places a word on the board.
A player may pass at any time. If all player's pass twice in a row, then the game ends.

The First Word Score

A player begins the game by placing a word on the star square at the center of the board. This star acts as a double word score. The star cell does not act as a double word score for subsequent players playing off the center square.
Play continues in a clockwise direction around the Scrabble board.

Replacing Scrabble Tiles

When a player places tiles on the Scrabble board, that player draws new tiles from the tile bag, adding until that player's number of tiles equals seven. The player must not look at the tiles when choosing new ones. Tile selection is usually done by holding the bag above the eye line, then reaching into the bag to add tiles one by one.

The Fifty Point Bonus

When a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on the board at the same time, that player receives a 50 point bonus. In end game scenarios, when the players hold less than the standard seven tiles, a player does not get the 50 point bonus for using all the tiles on the rack. 

The End of a Scrabble Game

When all of the tiles have been taken from the bag and one player has used all of the tiles on their rack, then the game ends.

Tallying Scrabble Scores

Once the game has ended, each player counts the points on the tiles left remaining in their rack. Each player has that number deducted from their final score.
The player who ended the game and who therefore has no more tiles remaining is given an added bonus. Add the total of all points of all remaining players with tiles left on their racks. This number is added to the final score of the player who is "out" of tiles.
The Scrabble player with the highest score after all final scores are tallied wins.

Accepted Scrabble Words

Players may place any word which can be found in a standard English language dictionary. Official Scrabble dictionaries also can be found in bookstores and online.
Types of words which cannot be used are abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes. Words that require a hyphen or an apostrophe cannot be played. Words that are spelled with a capital letter cannot be used.
Generally speaking in an English-language game of Scrabble, foreign words cannot be placed on the Scrabble board. If those words appear in a standard English dictionary, then the word is allowable. This is because the word is spoken often enough by native English-speakers that it has become a part of the English language.
Kamis, 08 Desember 2011 | By: ♕Khansa Fatihah Muhammad

Give thanks to Allah

I " ll give so much much much thanks to Allah O:) he is everything .

Give thanks to Allah , because he does give me my lovely family and friends .
Give thanks to Allah , for make my life does do with the colorful life
Give thanks so much much much , to Allah , for everything he gives to us .
Give thanks to Allah , for so many thing , so many something!!!! that's can't  be measure.